Is the "individual mandate" really that bad?
The "individual mandate" (buy health-coverage or pay a fine) is the political focus for the week. I hope the SCOTUS decides the "mandate" is unconstitutional and also rejects all of Obamacare. The problem with health-care: The problem with the U.S. healthcare system is that it is already heavily statist. Medicare and Medicaid control a big part of healthcare spending. Just as important, the government has imposed huge costs on private insurance via mandates, making it impossible for the poor to afford legal health-care. Existing mandates: While the SCOTUS was debating the "individual mandate", the GOP in Michigan was mandating that anyone who buys private insurance must also buy coverage for autism. To someone with private health-insurance a mandate that says "y ou must also buy cover for disease XYZ, whether you want to or not ", costs money. Compared to this, a mandate that says " you must buy health insurance " has no immedi...