Personal savings flat once more
A downturn in the economy or the stock-market usually causes people to pause spending to see where the chips will fall. Even people/businesses who think their jobs/revenues are relatively secure become cautious. This caution, in turn, implies less sales for some businesses, creating a downward spiral. Only to a point, though: as it spirals down, business profits start to increase and personal savings increase too. Confidence starts to come back. Savings rate: The red circles in this chart show temporary increases in the Personal Savings Rate during recessions. Unfortunately, after each recession the personal savings rate started to decline once more. We see that the savings rate has flattened once again. This is the flip-side (and downside) of confidence. [Update (2017/June: This rate still remains mostly above the 5% mark] Retirement confidence: Compared to previous years, workers who are still employed are less confident that they will have enough money to live ...