Food Prices - 30 Years

Curious about food prices, I checked out the 30-year history of prices for Wheat, Rice and a few other such commodities. (From the indexMundi  web-site). This post shares my findings -- with zero commentary.

The top-most chart below is the official CPI-U (from the Federal reserve web-site). Data is shown for 30 years, since 1983. This line is then reproduced as an overlay on each of the other price charts.

Consider the chart for Wheat (top-left). For 20 years the trend was flat, even though the price went up and down.  The last decade has seen a climb. After staying flat, the price of Wheat has made up for lost time.  With the exception of Pork, this theme is repeated across the other food commodities. (Sugar is the worst.)

I do not expect extreme levels of CPI-U in the next 5 years -- but, I promised zero commentary.


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