Shopping as a Game
JC Penny recently fired its CEO -- Ron Johnson -- because his concept of simplicity was not working. With hindsight, we see that they forgot an important fact: for the typical JC Penny customer -- shopping is a game . Exploration: Imagine a computer maze game. It has twists and turns. Imagine that you had to discover gold and treasure hidden along the way, by exploring, discovering, and then learning tell-tale signs -- often coming up empty-handed, but finally hitting pay-dirt. Now imagine the game developer decided to simplify things by removing the maze. Instead, he gives you a straight hallway. And, why hide the gold --- such a waste of time? He simply places it on clearly-visible tables along the way. Perhaps the tables are placed so the gold jumps into your hand as you pass by. You start the game, press the forward key for a while, and you're done. You get through at record speed, and with all the gold. Simple and efficient... great if this was something ...